The Miami style Magazine is a high fashion magazine that is catored to young teens,young adults, and mature audiences . This magazine showcases the hottest in fashion in the Miami area .

The Miami Style Magazine is presently under the direction and motivation of Miami Pop & Hip Hop Artist Aniayah Sunshine. Anaiyah Sunshine is a local model, makeup artist, stylist and recording artist who's ambitious spirit seeks more and more adventure for not only her career but also for her new project " The Miami Style Magazine.
She has shot with a lot of photographers as well as being the face of local designers , music videos and local publications.
There will be a lot of new changes to the online publication since this time she will be in full control to change up the flavor and pizazz time and time again for her readers .
Questions and Answers by the Director :
1.What are you trying to accomplish in your online publication?
A. ( A. Sunshine) Well, I'm trying to make the Miami Style Magazine a household name. I would like it to become a publication online and print that everyone can rely on , trust and value our work to be one of fashions overnight masterpieces.
2. What made you assume the position as director of fashion to the Miami Style Magazine?
A. As a little girl, I always wanted to be on one of those home magazines you know. At first , my accomplishments were to become one who everyone would look on a picture and say wow I want to look just like her. As I got older and wiser my concept changed to wow I want to be the one who directed that whole possibility.
3. Is there anything the public should expect from the Miami Style Magazine?
A. Yes . Please look forward to the sister magazine Anaiyah Magazine where I will also be highlighting urban fashion all year long. There will be blasts where the magazines the Miami Style and Anaiyah Magazine will announce my upcomming album Memoirs Produced by Joel Martino producer and owner of Martino Musik Records Summer 2010.
4. Is there a main goal to which why you are always so involved in the local events whether it is modeling , performing, writing, make up artistry and styling?
A. The main goal to be is to create a world where I can freefully express who I am. As a child I wasn't quite as free and liberal as I should because of fear but since I have brushed that fear aside, I am more than happy to know I can make it.
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