It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you Miami's creative clothing designer Julio De Leon. He has been featured for three covers so far and has made my online publication The Miami Style Magazine a success. I am so thrilled and honored to be here seeing it all.

For the first cover under my direction the cover was shot by Meg Pukel and the model was Megan De Vita. She was a delight to work with. She had so much passion . Make up was done by no other the diva himself Jay Fierce . (
http://www.jayfierce.com/ ) You can go to his online web site and see his creative style there
Julio De Leon is not only just a designer he is evolution itself. He creates masterpieces with his work and precision. He sets boundaries for the new meaning of couture with a splash of couture's past and brings his garments to life.
I had the pleasure to not only be the face but to direct the image of what Julio De Leon couture should be and evolve to become in the mere future.

So the dawning ages of the The Miami Style Magazine was born. I wanted daring , edge, and fierce photographs. I wanted fashion. How can I showcase this in an online publication most asked. Well, I did and will continue to do so . So far I have shown people his grace and elegance. This hidden treasure kept locked away is now getting his final due. It is my job as a director and Co Owner to The Miami Style Magazine to continue on this legacy of fine garments. Season
after season I will strive to conitue to publish and showcase more and more of his line.

We have just finished our Summer issue and is available online for everyone to see. I am thrilled to see what our audience will think of this new cover issue. I wanted to bring a woman who's features and tone that will shine above all boundaries . I think she pulled it off well. The summer issue was entitled Glamour Unlimited. Each page of this Summer's must haves got better and better. Now it's more make up more accesories angles and couture. Another record smash by the fablous Julio De Leon.

Hair and makeup and styling was done by yours truly Anaiyah Sunshine. I'm so pleased to have another successful cover and I can't wait till fall.
The second cover was themed Spring Romance. I wanted a pair of beautiful women to be the front line for this cover and who could they be but Miami's favorite twins Delphia and Delerice Clarke. The twins were incredible . I played with sweet twin and evil twin showing their differences and strengths. All make up was done by me. In that issue we allowed the twin sensations to model for an Atlanta Based tee shirt line by the name of Insanitees. The photographer and now main photographer to my publication was shot by Leon. I say old chap Bravo good friend Bravo! This summer's cover was shot by him as well and this makes this his second cover.

What is the next step to the online publication ? I wish I can tell you, but I just can't. It has to be in the safe of all of my ideas and when the time is right you shall see what we will unveil next. I can tell you this it shall be the biggest cover yet . More fashion more accessories more shoes purses articles everything and more. Till then just go to the site
http://www.themiamistyle.com/ Toodles for now,
Anaiyah Sunshine*
First spread: Megan Devita
Mua& Hair : Pablo Villavencio & Jay Fierce
Photography : Meg Pukel
Location : Miami, Florida
Second Spread: Glamour Unlimited Summer theme
Model : Shana Lafleur
Mua& Stylist : Anaiyah Sunshine
Photography : Leon
Location: Miami , Florida
Spring Romance Spread Spring Romance
Models: Delphia and Delerice Clarke
Mua& Stylist : Anaiyah Sunshine
Photography Leon
Location: Coral Gables, Florida
All wardrobe were provided by Julio De Leon Couture