Sometimes I often wonder why people tend to be so shy and timid when it comes to their make up . Ok nice colors reds and browns ok maybe some pink here and there but what about the lashes they play a huge part in this too you know. Sometimes the right eyelash extensions give people that kick you have been searching for.
And there are so many shapes and styles and if you can't afford the look you want and your good with your mini scissors or a small razor you can create something amazing. Im thinking of an idea right now to be quite honest but tisk tisk I can't reveal everything to you.
Try out multicolored or just a different shade or cut or look and see how far those lashes can go. You might like the way you look. Now when going to an eyelash specialist or spa please keep in mind that they must be professional. please dont go to a place or spa that are going to rush you out of your chair because they see a potential ten bucks waiting for them in the next seat. See if they are certified it's for your own saftey .
Just like in nail care I also suggest the same thing. Do not go into a place that will rush you out of your spot and you dont get the quality service you deserve. Remember you are the person paying for the service and yes it's nice to be courteous but it's also their responsibility that they will ensure you as a new or old client quality work.
Well Toodles for now.
Anaiyah Sunshine*
Model : Anaiyah SUnshine
Photography By LEON
Location: Coral Gables Florida
Clothing : Insanitees- Atlanta Georgia
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